Register for ¡TONE UP!

¡TONE UP! is a series of ensemble-singing workshops (and occasional creative residencies) led by composer, conductor, and William Byrd Fellow, Antony Pitts – the founder of TONUS PEREGRINUS and former Artistic Director of The Song Company – and his colleagues.  These workshops are aimed at anyone interested in toning up their ensemble-singing and choral skills, covering a range of musical abilities and experience, from student and community singers to highly experienced professionals.

Please use this form to register your interest for future workshops.

To book your place at ¡TONE UP! #8 with Joanna Forbes L'Estrange and Antony Pitts, go to

or to find out more, click here


What part(s) do you normally sing?
Use middle C of the piano as a reference, if you're not sure how to describe your vocal range.
Depending on numbers, each ¡TONE UP! may have a number of streams geared towards different levels and experience of singers. Please select the stream most suited to you. The cost of the workshop covers all ensemble tuition and printed music.
Please check the kinds of music you would most interested in exploring with us – each course has a different combination of elements
Please let us know your experience with reading from original notation
Let us know whether you need printed scores or not
This can be a Dropbox link or (public or private) YouTube link, for example. It can be either an ensemble or a solo performance (including a phone recording at home). It should be of short duration (less than 5 minutes) or very clear which section to listen to.
Let us know more about yourself and your choral and other artistic experience and interests. You can also add your biography, picture, and upcoming concert link to your profile (